Norsk Religionshistorisk Forening (NRF) / Norwegian Association for the History of Religions (NAHR)
Members of the Norwegian association have participated regularly in IAHR events and also in cooperative activities in Scandinavia. The Norwegian association publishes a bulletin in Norwegian. The NRF in collaboration with EASR hosted an IAHR special conference: „The Globalisation and Localisation of Religion“, Bergen, Norway, 8 May – 11 May 2003.
Associate Professor, Cecilie Endresen, The Study of Religion, IKOS, The Faculty of Humanities, University of Oslo, PO. Box 1010 Blindern, N-0315 Oslo, Norway
Email: cecilie.endresen(à)
Associate Professor, Jane Skjoldli, The Study of Religion, Dept. Of Cultural Studies and Languages, Faculty of Arts and Education, University of Stavanger, PO. Box 8600, N-4036 Stavanger, Norway
Email: jane.skjoldli (à)
Sissel Undheim
University of Bergen, Øisteinsgate 3, N-5020 Bergen, Norway
Email: sissel.undheim(à)