CESNUR - Center for Studies on New Religions
CESNUR was incorporated in 1988 and its registered office is at Via Confienza 19, 10121 Torino, Italy. It has been recognized by the State of Piedmont as a non-profit organization of special cultural interest.
CESNUR is not a membership organization. “Members” are the original incorporators and those coopted in the Scientific Committee. We operate through
A) yearly conferences
B) ad hoc seminars
C) operating three Web sites, cesnur.org (institutional), cesnur.com (a large online encyclopedia of religions, in Italian),cesnur.net (the online, peer-reviewed The Journal of CESNUR)
D) operating a library open to the public in Torino, Italy with some 65,000 volumes.
Massimo Introvigne
Managing Director, CESNUR