Proceedings of EASR Conferences 2001-2006
Bucharest 2006
Proceedings of the conference appeared in four volumes in five parts in the two Romanian journals Archaeus and Studia Asiatica (2008-2010) and in two volumes of Etudes Classiques (2007-2008):
Archaeus, vol. 11 & 12, 2007-2008, Proceedings of the 6th EASR / IAHR Special Conference "Religious History of Europe and Asia", Bucharest 20-23 September, 2006, vol. 1, general editor: Eugen Ciurtin.
Archaeus, vol. 13, 2009, Proceedings of the 6th EASR / IAHR Special Conference "Religious History of Europe and Asia", Bucharest 20-23 September, 2006, vol. 2, general editor: Eugen Ciurtin.
Archaeus, vol. 14, 2010, Proceedings of the 6th EASR / IAHR Special Conference "Religious History of Europe and Asia", Bucharest 20-23 September, 2006, vol. 3, general editor: Eugen Ciurtin.
Table of contents:
Studia Asiatica, vol. 11, no. 1-2, 2010, Proceedings of the 6th EASR / IAHR Special Conference "Religious History of Europe and Asia", Bucharest 20-23 September, 2006, vol. 4 & 5, "Changing Paradigms in the Study of Iranian Religions" ed. by Mihaela Timus, "Indian Religions and Buddhist Studies" ed. by Eugen Ciurtin.
Table of contens: Studia Asiatica 11.1-2.2010
Etudes Classiques 2007, tome 75, número 1-2. Dedicado a: Actes de la vie conférence annuelle de l'EASR et de la conférence spéciale conjointe de l'IAHR, Bucarest, 20-23 Septembre 2006 (première partie)
Etudes Classiques 2008, tome 76, número 1. Dedicado a: Actes de la vie conférence annuelle de l'EASR et de la conférence spéciale conjointe de l'IAHR, Bucarest, 20-23 Septembre 2006 (seconde partie)
Table of Contents Etudes Classiques 2007.75.1-2 and 2008.76.1
Paris 2002
Charles Guittard (ed.), Le Monothéisme: diversité, exclusivisme ou dialogue?, Association Européene pour l'étude des religions (EASR) Congrès de Paris, 11-14 Septembre 2002, Société Ernest Renan, 2010.
Table of Contents "Le Monothéisme: diversité, exclusivisme ou dialogue?"
International Seminar Messina 2001
Sfameni Gasparro, Giulia (ed.), Themes and problems of the history of religions in contemporary Europe: proceedings of the international seminar Messina, March 30-31 2001, European Asscociation for the Study of Religions = Temi e problemi della storia delle religioni nell'Europa contemporanea, Hierá: collana di studi storico-religiosi 6, Consenza: Giordano, 2002.