Irish Society for the Academic Study of Religions (ISASR)
The ISASR is an association of scholars and researchers devoted to the academic study of religions within Ireland and internationally. It is a forum for the critical, analytical and cross-cultural academic study of religions, past and present and provides a space for scholarly activity across different disciplines and fields. The Society aims to foster a variety of research-related activity including e.g. conferences, seminars, workshops and publications. The ISASR is not a forum for confessional, apologetical, interfaith or other similar religious activities.
The ISASR was welcomed into membership at the EASR’s annual meeting which took place in Budapest in September 2011.
The ISASR is a member society of the International Association for the History of Religions (IAHR), recommended for membership by its Executive Committee on July 1st 2011, pending recommendation by the International Committee and admission at a quinquennial Congress (2015).
Jenny Butler, University College Cork, Study of Religions
email: j.butler(à)
James Kapaló University College Cork, Study of Religions
email: j.kapalo(à)
Alexandra Grieser, Trinity College Dublin, Religions and Theology
Alice Ahern, University College Cork, Study of Religions