Byelaws of the European Association for the

Study of Religions


In the course of its existence, the EASR approved a number of provisions that were meant to supplement the regulations set forth in its Constitution. These provisions, which could be considered to all intents and purposes as byelaws, were never collected as a whole and were scattered in the minutes of the past meetings of the EASR Executive Committee and General Assembly. A thorough research has now been carried out in the archives of the EASR in order to retrieve and collect all such provisions. They can now be found here, each with an appropriate heading. In some cases the text of the approved byelaws was too long to be reproduced here, and is therefore made available through a link to a separate page. In a few other cases, the text has been slightly edited in order to make it consistent with the present compilation. In any case, the source is always given and the original text can be found in the minutes of the indicated meeting (see Past conferences).

Marco Pasi, General Secretary of the EASR

Amsterdam, 14 June 2015

1.    Lapsed membership for corporate members

EASR membership will be declared lapsed by the Executive Committee, or the General Assembly, if any dues remain unpaid after six consecutive notifications within a period of 18 months. Where any dues remain unpaid for three years, the society’s name will be struck from the list.

(Approved by the EASR General Assembly in Budapest, 22 September 2011)

2.    Individual membership

The full text of the guidelines concerning the individual membership of the EASR can be found here.

(The guidelines were approved by the EASR General Assembly in Groningen, 14 May 2014; they incorporate the earlier provisions approved by the EASR Executive Committee in Stockholm, 23 August 2012)

3.    Fees

i. Membership fee (general)

The membership fee will be 2 Euro per head (per member) per association per year and 15 Euro for individual member per year.

(Approved by the EASR General Assembly in Cambridge, 11 September 2001)

ii. Minimum fee

A minimum fee is introduced for the corporate members of the EASR, independently from the number of their respective members. For all associations whose membership produces a fee that exceeds 50 EUR, the usual regulation shall apply. The minimum fee is fixed at 50 EUR.

(Approved by the EASR General Assembly in Budapest, 22 September 2011)

4.    EASR and IAHR conferences

In those years in which an IAHR Quinquennial Congress is held, no EASR conference will be held. However, the General Assembly and the Executive Committee meeting can take place during an IAHR Congress (see also the EASR constitution, 5.iii).

(Approved by the EASR General Assembly in Bremen, 27 September 2007)

5.    Bursaries

The full text of the guidelines concerning the EASR bursaries can be found here.

(The guidelines were first adopted by the EASR Executive Committee in Santander, 7 September 2004; then revised by the EASR General Assembly in Bucharest, 22 September 2006; and further revised by the EASR General Assembly in Messina, 17 September 2009)

6. Nominating Committee

When a new Executive Committee of the EASR is elected, the Nominating Committee assists in the election process by bringing forward the names of suitable candidates for election to office. The full text of the guidelines for the Nominating Committee, including the election timetable and guidelines, can be found here

(Approved by the EASR General Assembly in Erfurt, 25 August 2015; then revised by the EASR General Assembly in Helsinki, 29 June 2016)

7. Honorary Membership Committee

The Honorary Membership Committee proposes names of suitable candidates for honorary membership, as described by the EASR constitution ( The full text of the guidelines for the Honorary Membership Committee, can be found here

(Approved by the EASR Executive Committee in Erfurt, 23 August 2015)

8. Audit Committee 

The Audit Committee is appointed by the EASR Executive Committee (EC) to review the financial statements and other official financial information provided annually by the Treasurer to the meetings of the Executive Committee and of the General Assembly. Furthermore, it ensures that these financial reports are presented and distributed correctly.

The Audit Committee is composed of three members appointed by the Executive Committee from the delegates or representatives of member associations. Representatives of individual members can also be members of the Audit Committee. EC designated officers cannot be members of the Audit Committee.

One member of the Audit Committee will be appointed as Chair by the Committee itself.

The term of office of the Audit Committee is three calendar years and it coincides with the term of EC officers.

The Treasurer of the EASR will collaborate closely with the Audit Committee and will give access to all relevant information that may be relevant for the auditing process.

The Chair of the Audit Committee will deliver a brief report on the results of the audit at each meeting of the EC and at each meeting of the General Assembly.

(Approved by the EASR Executive Committee in Helsinki, 28 June 2016)

9. Working Groups

EASR Working Groups are established on the initiative of the EASR Executive Committee. Working Groups are established to meet a specific need identified by the Executive Committee. The terms of reference (duration, composition, brief) for each Working Group will be defined by the Executive Committee, which will appoint a team of EASR members to lead the Working Group. Working  Groups report to the Executive Committee and once their brief has been met can be dissolved by the Executive Committee. For more information see here.

(Approved by the EASR Executive Committee in Helsinki, 28 June 2016)

10. Affiliated organisations

The full text of the guidelines concerning affiliated organisations of the EASR can be found here.

(The guidelines were approved by the EASR General Assembly in Leuven, 19 September 2017; then revised by the EASR Executive Committee in Bern, 17 June 2018)