EASR Bursaries for the 2025 IAHR World Congress August 24–30, 2025, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland

Summer 2025, the 23rd quinquennial IAHR World Congress will take place at the Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland.  Although the EASR has no formal part in this IAHR congress, it has been decided to still offer a bursary program for our members, as we would in a year when a regular EASR conference takes place.

The bursaries are meant for participants who present a paper at the conference but are not able to cover the costs of travel, accommodation, and registration fee. Candidates have to be members of a paid-up association affiliated to the EASR or have to be paid-up individual members. Preference will be given to candidates from countries with weaker economies, non-tenured candidates in the early stages of their career, and candidates who did not receive bursaries in the past years.

For 2025, a total amount of €4.500 has been made available, divided into nine bursaries of up to a maximum of €500 each. All decisions pertaining to funding will be made by a committee composed of the President, General Secretary and Treasurer of the EASR, or of their respective deputies if necessary. For questions you can send an e-mail to the EASR Treasurer, Kim Knibbe via the easr treasurer email: treasurer _at_easr.eu).

Applications for bursaries to attend the IAHR World Congress 2025 in Krakow will be valid if received on or before the deadline of March 15, 2025. You will be notified of the outcome via e-mail no later than April 15, 2025.

Please read the Bursary Guidelines carefully before applying and consider whether you are eligible. If so, complete the online application form and then click on the “Send” button at the end.