
EASR 2007 Bremen: Panel on "The SOR and School Education about Religions: Status Quo and Desiderata in Different Countries"

EASR 2008 Brno: Panels 1+2 on “The Study of Religions and Syllabuses for School Education about Religion”

Workshop 2009 Odense: “Education of RE Teachers at Departments for the Study of Religions (and a few other places)”

EASR 2009 Messina: Panel 1 on “Textbooks and syllabuses for religion education (RE) : the notion of religion and the representation of individual religions”, Panel 2 on “Non-Confessional RE in European post-communist countries”

IAHR 2010 Toronto: Panels 1-3 on “The Academic Study of religions and religion Education”, Panel on “Religion Education in Canada “

EASR 2011 Budapest: Panel 1 on “’World Religions’ in Religious Education - in the Past, Present and Future”, Panel 2 on “Current issues in religious education in European countries”

EASR 2012 Stockholm: Panel on “Does Ethics begin where RE ends?”

EASR 2013 Liverpool : Panel on “Education of RE Teachers “

Symposium 2013 Odense: ”Study-of-Religions Based Didactics of Religion Education (RE): Fundamentals”

EASR 2014 Groningen: [will follow soon]

Workshop 2015 Hanover: Workshop of the EASR Working Group on Religion in Secular Education

IAHR 2015 Erfurt: [will follow soon]

Panel Discussion + Inaugural Lecture Honorary Professor Tim Jensen 2016 Hanover: „Religious Diversity, Islamophobia and Religious Education“

EASR 2016 Helsinki: Panel on “Discrepancies between teacher training programmes in the Study of Religions and the aims, contents, and didactics of related school subjects“