Michael Pye (elected 2008)
Michael Pye has dedicated his scholarly work to East Asian Religions and methodology in the study of religions. He was professor for the Study of Religions in the University of Lancaster and professor for Religionswissenschaft at the University of Marburg from 1982 until his retirement in 2004. He has been very active on an international level, contributing to the exchange and cooperation of scholars. He was president of IAHR from 1995 to 2000 and is an honorary member of that Association. He has been actively committed to the creation of the European Association for the Study of Religions and has generously put his expertise and his long experience with the IAHR at disposition for making EASR a successful Association.
Since its beginning he occupied the position of Internet Officer until 2007. He created electronic networks in the form of the European discussion lists Candide, Dolmen, Most, Synkron, Tonantzin, and Yggdrasill that have allowed the Association to expand and to establish a well working network among European scholars. It has allowed the Association to become a democratic organisation, e.g. to help set up election procedures that gave all members the chance to shape their organisation.
The Association is deeply indebted to Michael Pye for his commitment and support and the Executive Committee is very happy to propose him as an honorary member of EASR.